Updates to StudioWeb for 2017

February 16, 2017
Posted in Curriculum, News


Updates to StudioWeb for fall 2017:

  1. StudioWeb 2 will be retired this year, and all new classrooms will be deployed to the StudioWeb 3.
  2. We are renaming (and updating) Beginners HTML to HTML5 since it is much more than a beginners course.
  3. We are releasing a NEW Python course.
  4. We are now providing a grading rubric for the projects – usable even for teacher who don’t know code.
  5. We are adding to the HTML5 course projects, including lessons from teachers who have used SW in classrooms.
  6. Student time tracking will be back this year.
  7. We are providing a new Teacher’s QuickStart Guide that includes classroom activities (note taking, paired coding, peer-to-peer tutoring etc), the new grading rubric, and other useful things to jump start a teacher.

About the quizzing

HTML5 has 57 lessons and just under 4hrs of video. There are 309 quiz questions, 73 of which are code challenges.
Questions in chapter 1 and 2 of HTML5 are designed to be very easy, to encourage students. Chapter 3 and forward, questions increasingly become much more challenging as the course progresses

As a teacher out of Chicago told me recently, the most important thing is that in the end, the students know how to write code and build websites. I can guarantee you that by the end, students having done the HTML5 course will be able to build sites using the following tags:

– html
– head
– title
– body
– p
– div
– img
– doctype
– a
– h1-h6
– hr
– br
– ol,ul,li
– dl,dt,dd
– strong
– form
– input
– select
– textarea
– tables, tr, td, th, tbody, thead, tfoot
– meta (name, charset)

This is quote a from a middle school teacher who started using StudioWeb this past year:

Look what you have inspired!!!!

We have been doing Studio Web for less than a week. Some of my students have gone rogue on me and started creating stuff on their own!!!! I especially liked that this student references studioweb on his page!!! Thought you would get a kick out of it!

Have a great weekend!!!!


A quick note about JavaScript

JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world, and it’s demand is growing because of server side JavaScript programming.

JavaScript engines and frameworks like Node.js and Express.js are driving JavaScript’s usage through the roof. It’s a very serious language where companies like Netflix are using it in it’s core product.

JavaScript is very versatile in terms of where it is used:

  1. websites and webapps
  2. browser game development
  3. server side coding with projects like Node.js and Express.js.
  4. mobile app development using middleware frameworks like Adobe PhoneGap:

StudioWeb’s courses are based on my book

I wrote a book last year to help me organize for the new StudioWeb courses. You can find it on amazon and in book stores across north america and Europe:


If some teachers prefer reading, they can get up to speed this way. Though it is not required.


Stefan Mischook


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