Free Code Courses for Teachers who Teach Coding!
We want to make it easy for teachers to get up to speed with code!
As such, StudioWeb will now be providing FREE code courses (professional development,) for teachers in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Python.
If you are going to be teaching code during the 2018-19 school year, and you need to learn code, and even programming from scratch … it doesn’t get any better!
How does it work?
Just contact us or one of our partners, and we will set up a custom StudioWeb classroom for your school, with enough seats for all your teachers.
The StudioWeb web app and curriculum makes learning to code easy … even from home! Teachers can quickly learn the most popular coding languages, without having to travel or attend special classes – learn at your own pace.
Our web based code courses are made up of hundreds of bite-sized videos lessons, that are supported by over 1000 code challenges and quiz questions. This combined with the gamified StudioWeb software, makes for an engaging learning experience, with great retention.
What happens if teachers get stuck – is there support?
Support for teachers is just an email or phone call away! But besides that, the StudioWeb software has a great hinting system that almost guarantees you won’t get stuck on a lesson.
If you would like to learn more about the StudioWeb code curriculum or you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. There is no obligation for taking part.
Stefan Mischook