Why Schools should be Teaching Code with Web Design

I’ve been working with schools since 2011 to deliver an effective code curriculum for middle school and older students. Based on that experience, I would suggest that they best way to teach code to students, is by using the web languages: HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
The main benefits of teaching code with the web coding languages:
- Both visual and non-visual learners will find a place for them with web languages. HTML5 and CSS3 are largely visual, where the results of the code are immediately seen on screen. At the same time, you can use JavaScript to teach the finer details of writing code, that includes all the basic language constructs and concepts that are universal across programming languages.
- No special software is required to teach code. There are plenty of free code editors like VS Code and Notepad++, and if you don’t want to install any software, you can simple use notepad or any other simple text editor.
- Teaching the web is arguably the most practical of the coding languages to teach, because your students will learn how to build real websites, and even basic web apps! These skills are still highly sought after in the workforce, and these are for good paying jobs …. even entry level. If your district caters to students who might not go to college, this is a great way to provide a valuable marketable skillset, that can be life transforming … as it has been for me!
- The web languages can be happily coded on very old computers. No need to spend money on expensive new hardware.
StudioWeb teaches all the web languages as well as Python and SQL. Our curriculum has been authored with direct feedback from teachers from many districts, and our software platform has been designed to support students and teachers to provide a unique interactive gamified learning experience, that both teachers and students love.
Please feel free to contact us for a demo.
Stefan Mischook