Certifications in Code at StudioWeb!

August 18, 2020
Posted in Classroom Stats

New in 2020, we just released our new certification system, and certification exams in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Python and PHP.

How it works:

  1. Certification exams are not visible until you make them visible to students. You can assign the certification exams on a per student basis.
  2. Students need a 60% to pass, and when they do, they will be awarded a printable certificate that has a unique ID.
  3. Students can retake an exam if they fail. By default they have to wait 7 days, but you can override that in the classroom management tools.
  4. Certification exams are unique to each student, and each time they take it, because questions are randomly selected from our pool of questions. 

We built a custom certification system to insure the integrity of the process, so that people who pass a StudioWeb certification know, that they TRULY know the material.

Contact us if you would like more information.

Stefan Mischook

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