Setup your Code Curriculum in 20 minutes!
We’ve been working with schools for 10 years, refining our code curriculum (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Python, SQL and PHP), and refining our StudioWeb software to support teachers and students.

Intuitive, Supportive Software
StudioWeb is so intuitive and easy to use, that teachers with no prior coding experience can be up and running, comfortably teaching a real-world code classroom with just 20 minutes of PD!
… In fact, we can roll out a code curriculum across your entire district within 48hrs!
Common Questions about StudioWeb:
Is there a course curriculum for different age group and level of capability for development?
The curriculum is designed for middle school and up.
Is there an instructor support and learning material
Yes, and instructors can reach Stefan (lead course creator) directly.
How does Studioweb works, do we need to setup a phone call so that I can see how the studioweb is been utilized in the in person classes or online classes.’
It is very straightforward really, students log in, they see a list of their courses, and they click ‘start’. Instruction is video based, coupled with quizzing and code challenges. All gamified.

StudioWeb tracks student progress, grades them as they go. StudioWeb presents all the student tracking data to teachers in realtime. StudioWeb provides grades by course, chapter and even the lesson.
There are quickStart videos for teachers that they can watch. But again, it is very intuitive … no PD required!
If you would like to try StudioWeb for a single classroom, or across your entire district, feel free to contact us.