Why I Wrote a 224 Page Web Design Book to Prep for My New Courses

February 28, 2016
Posted in Teaching Code


I wrote an entire book (and got it published!) in preparation for the new StudioWeb curriculum.

I’ve been creating courses since 2003; courses which mainly targeted an adult audience. With StudioWeb, all of a sudden the majority of the students became kids.

StudioWeb has taught me that teaching younger students (as young as 10) is far more challenging than teaching adults. Lessons have to be more engaging, and the techniques and concepts broken down more simply.

On top of that, teaching the basics is always harder than teaching the advanced stuff. I’d rather teach anonymous functions in JavaScript (to an advanced student) than a simple JavaScript array to a beginner!

New HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and PHP Courses for 2015-2016

When we first launched StudioWeb in 2012, I had just used my standard video courses in the StudioWeb app. We had some success, but there were problems (especially with younger students) and I realized that I had to build new courses from scratch.

So incorporating what I had learned from the schools, I went to work on the new courses. The level of planning was going to be huge, so I figured that I might as well write a book!

When you write a technology book, you have a copy editor, a technology editor, and there is a designer to help with diagrams and other visuals. Finally, because you are going to print, the process of writing a book forces you to be very exact with both word and page counts. For example, chapter 5 had to be 56 pages, and not 57. Because of all this, the book is far better.

And so because of my book, StudioWeb’s new web design and development courses are the best I’ve ever made.

… BTW, we are getting amazing outcomes with students of all ages.

Stefan Mischook

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